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Understanding the Relationship between Human Body and Nature's Elements
Are you aware of the relationship of the human body with the 5 elements of nature?
A lot of ancient philosophies around the globe classify the composition of the Universe into 5 elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether (Space). These are also called the “Panch Mahabhoot.” Knowledge of these five elements helps us understand the laws of nature.
Each of the five elements represents a state of matter in nature. Solid matter is classified as the “Earth” element. Water is everything that is liquid. Air is everything that is a gas. Fire is that part of Nature that transforms one state of matter into another. Ether is the mother of the other elements and is the basis of higher spiritual experience.
- Composition of Universe and Human Body in Proportions of Five Elements.Elements' Proportions in the Human Body:
1) Earth (12%), Water (72%), Air (6%), Fire (4%), Ether (remaining 6%).
2) Correspondence of Elements with Body Structures: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space (Ether).
All of the creation is made up of the five elements in different proportions. The Human body is also the product of these 5 elements in different proportions. 72% water, 12% earth, 6% air, 4% fire and the rest 6% is Ether. Usually, the percentages of the first four elements remain constant but the percentage of Ether can be enhanced. Each element is responsible for different structures in the body.
Earth forms solid structures such as teeth, nails, bones, muscles, skin, tissues, and hair. These give structure and strength to the body.
Water forms saliva, urine, semen, blood, and sweat.
Fire forms hunger, thirst, sleep, the vision in the eyes and complexion of the skin.
Air is responsible for all movement including expansion, contraction, vibration, and suppression.
Space is the most subtle of all elements and is present in the hollow cavities of the body in the form of radio frequencies, light radiation, cosmic rays, etc.
The “Prana” (vital force) in the human body is also directly connected to these 5 elements. The Law of Nature demands these elements to be in balance.
1. Imbalance of Water element: This is visible as excess mucus, cold, sinusitis, swelling of glands, edema of tissues, blood thinning or blood clotting.
2. Imbalance of Earth element: shows itself as general weakness in the body, loss of calcium from bones, obesity, cholesterol, weight loss, and weight gain, muscular diseases, etc.
3. Imbalance of Fire element: manifests itself as fever, skin diseases like inflammation, increased coldness or heat in the body, excessive sweating, hyper-acidity, slow digestion and absorption of nutrients, toxins in the body, diabetes, etc.
4. Imbalance of Air element: leads to skin dryness, blood pressure problems, lung disorders, dry cough, bloating, constipation, lethargy, insomnia, muscular spasms, depression, etc.
5. Imbalance of Space element: is visible as Thyroid disorders, throat problems, speech disorders, epilepsy, madness, ear diseases, etc.
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